Photo Gallery

ART Class

A new gallery of photographs from our membership is available under About Us > Photo Galleries in the navigation menu. Currently it includes includes some of the work from one of our art groups (“Enhance and Grow the Artist in You” 2021), but if you have other things that you would like to be added from other activities please, let us know.

From the tutor…

The “Enhance and Grow the Artist in You” continued throughout 2021, despite innumerable pandemic lockdowns, via Zoom, albeit with reduced numbers. Over time, we morphed from a class to collegial group that shared the experience and enjoyment of producing our own individual art. The subjects chosen were wide and varied – often suggested and introduced by participants – including still life, the figure, sculptures, flora & fauna, abstracts and when permitted we even ventured out of doors. We worked in many media, pencil, carbon, watercolour, ink. Indeed, we engaged in anything that might stimulate our artistic endeavours. In the process, we encouraged, guided one another, offered non-judgemental criticism and, I believe, enhanced our art expression and had fun.

The “Photo Gallery” selection comprises a representation of our work – submitted by members – which may give some indication of the range of activities.

It has been a privilege and pleasure to be the convenor of this loyal “Enhance” Cohort. I trust that the program will continue in 2022, hopefully with an increased number of keen participation.

– David Pincus