News desk

From the News desk appears in the Sidebar, and Box 3

Courses – semester 2 and year long

Semester 2 courses can be viewed on Tuesday 29 June. Enrolments start on Monday 5 July. Year-long coursesIf you are already enrolled in any of these, it is for the whole year. You do not have to enrol again in these. Monday morning Current Affairs discussion with Myra Mortensen French Literature and Conversation with Elizabeth […]


More things to do

Select each link and explore the details for real things you can go out to, or virtual ones to explore at home. The Senior newspaper used to turn up regularly on the foyer table at Valetta St so here it is for those who want to keep up with the paper while our premises remain […]


Places to go after lockdown ends

Here are some ideas for you to look into to get ready for the end of the lockdown. Concrete Playground Melbourne has things to do and places to eat, plus there will be music at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. A good one to keep an eye on regularly. laneway learning has cheap, fun classes in anything […]


CovidSafe Plan

Our Valetta Street centre remains closed and no sessions are being held there. Access is strictly by appointment only and subject to our CovidSafe Plan for each person entering the premises. You can join, renew membership, and enrol in courses online, or get individual help if you cannot go online.


Help if you cannot go online

We can help you find and choose courses and then to enrol and pay the fee. Trained volunteers are ready to help if you cannot go online. Simply phone us on 9500 1288 or use if you need help.


The Knowledge Hub is back

Once again you can choose from nearly 50 online sources to keep up to date via The Knowledge Hub. This is a collection of think tanks and research bodies, the majority of which claim to be independent in their aims and origins. They are prominent as influencers for ideas and directions in public policy formulation […]